A comprehensive list of websites and books that provides information on child development, parenting, family life, teenagers, learning, health & safety, child psychology and mental health.
Websites and Apps
Link-It for Literacy
Link-IT provides educators an intuitive application that connects instruction with technology while offering students a motivational medium. Link-IT was created by school psychologists and literacy experts with the adult and child in mind. Link-IT offers dimension and choice for educators, reading specialists, tutors, and parents. Either one-on-one, in a small group, or through whole class instruction using Airplay, Link-IT can be used in conjunction with various multisensory programs. By allowing for an easier and more efficient delivery to students, Link-IT is another example of the continuity in educational care emphasized by its creators
Child Development Institute
Information on child development, parenting, family life, teenagers, learning, health & safety, child psychology and mental health including ADHD [Recommended by Psychology Today and American Psychological Association]
Temperament.com is about behavioral individuality in infants, children and adults. Just as babies are born with their own combination of physical characteristics such as hair and eye color, skin tone, and physique, behavioral scientists know that each one has patterns of behavior, or temperament, that are also part of their uniqueness.
Understood aims to support parents so they can their children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more.
National Association for Gifted Children
NAGC’s mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
CHADD is in the forefront in creating and implementing programs and services in response to the needs of adults and families affected by ADHD through collaborative partnerships and advocacy, including training for parents and K-12 teachers, hosting educational webinars and workshops, being an informative clearinghouse for the latest evidence-based ADHD information, and providing information specialists to support the ADHD community.
Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA)
ADAA is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders through education, practice, and research.
First Signs
First Signs is dedicated to the early identification and intervention of children with developmental delays and disorders.
Everyone Reading
Everyone Reading Illinois’ mission is to improve the lives of children and adults with dyslexia and related learning disabilities through high quality professional development for teachers, increased public awareness and support for families.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
NAEYC is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related condition
International Dislexia Association
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is the oldest organization dedicated to the study and treatment of dyslexia. It is also committed to providing complete information and services to address the full scope of dyslexia and related reading and writing challenges.
All Kinds of Minds
All Kinds of Minds is a non-profit Institute that helps students who struggle with learning measurably improve their success in school and life by providing programs that integrate educational, scientific, and clinical expertise. All Kinds of Minds was founded in 1995 by renowned pediatrician, Dr. Mel Levine, and financier Charles R. Schwab to translate the latest research on how children learn into programs, products, and services that help students struggling in school become more successful learners.
Portions of this list put together by good friend and colleague Kathy Brandeisky, LCSW
*books for parent/child reading & discussion.
Must Read List
The Price of Privilege
by Madeline Levine, Ph.D.
Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences
by Leonard Sax, MD, PhD
A Mind At A Time
by Dr. Mel Levine.
This book explains how to identify individual learning patterns in children and maximize their success in life.
Numerous other books
Raising Lifelong Learners by Lucy Calkins
How to Parent So Children Will Learn by Sylvia Rimm
Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades by Sylvia Rimm
The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease
Real Boys by William Pollack
Raising a Son by Don Elium
Raising a Daughter by Jeanne Elium
Growing Up: It’s a Girl Thing* by Mavis Jukes
The Care and Keeping of You: the Body Book for Girls* by Valorie Lee Schaefer
Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher
Ritalin Nation by Richard J. DeGrandpre (re: Rough Spot theory)
I Never Get Anything! by Thomas Phelan
123 Magic by Thomas Phelan
The New Dare to Discipline by James Dobson
Pick Up Your Socks and Other Skills Growing Children Need by Elizabeth Crary
Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Children by Sally Yahnke Walker
Childhood Speech, Language and Listening Problems by Patricia McAleer Hamaguchi
The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction by Carol Stock Kranowitz
Aspergers Syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals by Tony Attwood
Attention Deficit Disorder & Learning Disabilities by Ingersoll & Goldstein
The Difficult Child by Stanley Turecki
Dr. Larry Silver’s Advice to Parents by Larry Silver
The Misunderstood Child by Larry Silver
Raising Your Spirited Child Mary by Sheedy Kurcinka
Special Kids Need Special Parents by Judith Loseff Lavin
Teaching Your Child The Language of Social Success by Duke, Nowicki & Martin
Playground Politics by Stanley Greenspan
Helping the Child Who Doesn’t Fit In by Stephen Nowicki
Ready or Not: What Happens When We Treat Our Children as Adults by Kay S. Hymowitz
Freeing Our Families From Perfectionism by Thomas Greenspon
Perfectionism: What’s Bad about Being Too Good by Miriam Adderholt
The Irreducible Needs of Children by Brazelton and Greenspan
Best Friends/Worst Enemies by Michael Thompson
The Good Divorce by Constance R. Ahrons
Easing the Teasing Guide by Judy Freedman
Rough Spot Training: a Manual for Teachers and Parentsby London/Monjes
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Moral Intelligence of Children by Robert Coles
Raising Adopted Children by Lois Ruskai Melina
Making Sense of Adoption: a Parent’s Guide by Lois Ruskai Melina
Normal Children Have Problems Too by Stanley Turecki
The Hurried Child by David Elkind
Keys to Parenting Your Anxious Child by Katharina Manassis
New Parent Power by John Rosemond
The Explosive Child by Ross Green
Discipline with Dignity by Richard Curwin
How Your Child is Smart by Dawna Markova
Homework Without Tears by Lee Canter
The Defiant Child by Douglas Riley
Thinking, Feeling, Behaving by Ann Vernon (re: Rough Spot)
Easing the Teasing by Judy Freedman
Eating, Sleeping & Getting Up: How to Stop Daily Battles with Your Child by Carolyn Crowder
Mind at a Time by Mel Levine
Myth of Laziness by Mel Levine
How to Behave So Your Children Will Too by Sal Severe
Moving with Children by Olkowski & Parker
Parenting A Struggling Reader by Susan Hall & Louisa Moats
Straight Talk About Reading by Susan Hall & Louisa Moats
Siblings Without Rivalry by (rev.) Adele Farber/Elaine Mazlish
The Shy Child by Ward Swallow
The Secure Child by Stanley Greenspan
Silver Spoon Kids: How Successful Parents Raise Responsible Children by Eileen Gallo & Jon Gallo
Backtalk by Audrey Ricker and Carolyn Crowder
The Overscheduled Child by Alvin Rosenfeld and Nicole Wise
Emotionally Intelligent Parenting by Elias, Tobias & Friedlander
The Friendship Factor by Kenneth Rubin
Caring For Your School-Aged Child Ages 5-12 by American Academy of Pediatrics
S.T.E.P.: The Parent’s Handbook (revised) by Dinkmeyer & McKay
Developing Talent in Young People by Bloom, ed.
In Their Own Way by Thomas Armstrong
Awakening Your Child’s Natural Genius by Thomas Armstrong
Discipline with Dignity by Curwin and Mendler
Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning by J. David Cooper
The Bookfinder 5: When Kids Need Books by Sharon Spredeman Dreyer
Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children by eihart, Reis, Robinson & Moon, Ed.
You Read to Me and I’ll Read to You by Janet Schulman, Selector
Video: “A Walk in Your Shoes” Noggin’s Disabilities Awareness
Dinosaur’s Divorce* by Laurene Krasny Brown
My Life Turned Upside Down, But I Turned It Rightside Up* by Mary Blitzer Field
The Bear Who Lost His Sleep: a story about worrying too much* byJessica Lamb-Shapiro
The Lion Who Lost His Roar: a story about facing your fears* by Marcia Shosanna Nass
The Hyena Who Lost Her Laugh: a story about changing your negative thinking* by Jessica Lamb-Shapiro
The Penguin Who Lost Her Cool: A story about controlling your anger* by Marla Sobel
Let’s Talk about Having Allergies* by Elizabeth Weitzman
Taking Cerebral Palsy to School* by Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Taking Food Allergies to School* by Ellen Weiner
Taking Diabetes to School* by Kim Gosselin
Taking A.D.D. to School* by Ellen Weiner
Taking Seizure Disorders to School* by Kim Gosselin
Taking Cystic Fibrosis to School* by Cynthia S. Henry
Taking Asthma to School* by Kim Gosselin
I’m Tougher than Diabetes* by Alden R. Carter
The Berenstain Bears and the truth* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears get in a fight* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears learn about strangers* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears and the bad dream* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears: no girls allowed* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears-the trouble with friends* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears and the bully* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears and the blame game* by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears and too much teasing* by Stan Berenstain
Every Time I Blow My Top I Lose My Head* by Laura Slap-Shelton
Bullies are a Pain in the Brain* by Trevor Romain
A Volcano in my Tummy: Helping Children Handle Anger*by Whitehouse and Pudney
The Lovables in the Kingdom of Self Esteem* by Diane Loomans
Wemberly Worried* by Kevin Henkes
Just the Way You Are* by Marcus Pfister
Sometimes I Feel Like I Don’t Have Any Friends* by Tracy Zimmerman
Badger’s Parting Gifts* by Susan Varley
Raising Resilient Children by Robert Brooks & Sam Goldstein
Parenting by Heart Ron Taffel
See Jane Win by Sylvia Rimm